Halo 4 Divisions: Infinity, Forerunner, Legendary, Olympian
Division 1: Infinity (Blue)
Gen: HLZ Zero, graemesennett
LT: Smiley Inspries, Ls Nitro
Sgt: christiandiaz13, spartienmatt, ArBiToR159
Cpl: Raing NightMare, DoG Elegy, Arsenickosis
Pvt: iTR0LL Daily, ShaneTheCoon
Division 2: Forerunner (Black)
LT: fitzman69, Operator 626
Sgt: Irishsoxmax425, no common sense, IconicRespect
Cpl: BatmanPwnsAll,
Division 3: Legendary (White)
LT: LGND X GREED, Soraichi
Sgt: DR3WEX, Gamerfreak1028, COVEN4NT KILLER
Cpl: ndmman96, KittenofDoom666, Dynamic Nacho, Green CycoMyco
Pvt: fdch, Bomb Boy 770,
Division 4: Olympian (Red)
Gen: wolfrain19
LT: Eman424444,
Sgt: wolfrain17
Pvt: xxxxderpfacexxx
If you're gamertag isn't posted up there in the divisions, message HLZ Zero.
We are a Halo gaming community that lives by the motto: "Play to win; play nice; play fair; and have fun"
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Weekend events: Fri. Nov. 9th - Sun. Nov. 11th
Friday Nov. 9th: First HLZ meeting on Halo 4. 7PM EST.
EVERYBODY MUST ATTEND!! (if you can't make the meeting, then message HLZ Zero)
7:30PM EST, Custom Game Night/ Matchmaking/ Spartan OPs/ 4 player co-op (Legendary)
Saturday Nov. 10th: Flood mode/Grifball Night 8PM EST
Sunday Nov. 11th: HLZ meeting (ONLY if you couldn't make it on Friday Nov. 9th) 4PM EST.
If anybody is intrested hosting there own game night or have any ideas to add to the schedule, message HLZ Zero or Geophf about it.
Founder (FDR) - Geophf
General (Gen) - HLZ Zero, HERB1C1DAL, LORDDEATHOFDOOM, wolfrain19
Lieutenant (LT) - graemesennett, mccluretim96, fitzman69, Gamerfreak1028, Eman424444
Sergeant (Sgt) - christiandiaz13, COVEN4NT KILLER, DR3WEX, spartienmatt, ArBiToR159
Corporal (Cpl) - LGND X GREED, ndmman96, Dynamic Nacho, BatmanPwnsAll, Smiley Inspries
Private (Pvt) - Everyone else in HLZ (read information below for details)
Recruit (Rct) - someone who has just joined HLZ.
If your name isn't up there (you missed the meeting on Nov. 2nd), or you haven't notified HLZ Zero or Geophf about where you would like to start out (ONLY WHEN HALO 4 IS RELEASED!) Also if you don't see your name, your either a private or again need to contact HLZ Zero or Geophf. Don't worry, everybody's rank will change over time, so no need to worry about staying at Corporal or Sergeant forever. If anybody has any questions about the ranking system, the meeting on Nov. 9th or anything, contact HLZ Zero for information.
EVERYBODY MUST ATTEND!! (if you can't make the meeting, then message HLZ Zero)
7:30PM EST, Custom Game Night/ Matchmaking/ Spartan OPs/ 4 player co-op (Legendary)
Saturday Nov. 10th: Flood mode/Grifball Night 8PM EST
Sunday Nov. 11th: HLZ meeting (ONLY if you couldn't make it on Friday Nov. 9th) 4PM EST.
If anybody is intrested hosting there own game night or have any ideas to add to the schedule, message HLZ Zero or Geophf about it.
Founder (FDR) - Geophf
General (Gen) - HLZ Zero, HERB1C1DAL, LORDDEATHOFDOOM, wolfrain19
Lieutenant (LT) - graemesennett, mccluretim96, fitzman69, Gamerfreak1028, Eman424444
Sergeant (Sgt) - christiandiaz13, COVEN4NT KILLER, DR3WEX, spartienmatt, ArBiToR159
Corporal (Cpl) - LGND X GREED, ndmman96, Dynamic Nacho, BatmanPwnsAll, Smiley Inspries
Private (Pvt) - Everyone else in HLZ (read information below for details)
Recruit (Rct) - someone who has just joined HLZ.
If your name isn't up there (you missed the meeting on Nov. 2nd), or you haven't notified HLZ Zero or Geophf about where you would like to start out (ONLY WHEN HALO 4 IS RELEASED!) Also if you don't see your name, your either a private or again need to contact HLZ Zero or Geophf. Don't worry, everybody's rank will change over time, so no need to worry about staying at Corporal or Sergeant forever. If anybody has any questions about the ranking system, the meeting on Nov. 9th or anything, contact HLZ Zero for information.
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